Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. It was great to see Mel, Jay, Phil, Jen, Eric and the kids this weekend. I hope that Falon, Wade, Carisa and family had a great weekend. I look forward to some great pics. Love you all.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Utah Fun

Princess Sydney ready for some Halloween fun

Lexi, of course, was Dora the Explorer - her favorite!

At night the princess morphed into a scary bear - crazy I know :)

Making Jack-o-Lanterns

We got a snow storm just before Halloween, and the girls loved eating the snow and making snow angels

The girls LOVE going to the farm, and every night they thank God for horses.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween in California

Okay, so you asked for Halloween photos...
Now I want to see all of your munchkins dressed up!!

Summertime in Utah

Goofy kids at "The Mayan".

Lovin' Summer time at the Sunnybrook cabin...
One too many birthdays in the Summer...and of course,
let's not forget the one special one in the Winter!!
Of course, the bakery master hard at work!!

Hello there family!!

Hey Tara...thank you for setting up this family blog. You did an awesome job!! I absolutely LOVE the first song!! Oh, what fun childhood memories...

Hello Hansen Family...Congratulations on your family's newest addition. You have been blessed with another little healthy bundle of joy!! I hope that the rest of the family is adjusting well. Take care!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This must be a girl thing.

Just checking in from the sandbox.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Here are some pics of the family and a closup of Benjamin.

Thanks T

This is great! Thank you T for setting this up. I am neck high in homework right now, but I will post some pics in the next couple of days...I would love to see everyone's Halloween pics.

Summer 2009

The girls and I had a great time this summer traveling to see everyone. We just wish Billy could have been with us for all of it. It was great to see everyone, we miss you all!

It was so much fun to see the next generation spending time and enjoying the cabin just like we use to. Between wading in the river, fishing, fires, and eating in a tiny kitchen, I think they were able to see how much fun we use to have. There's no place better than Sunny Brook!

Taylor, Katie and I made our way out to Indiana to see Wade and his family. It was great to spend time with them and let the kids get to know each other again, we just wish we could have spent more time.

Christmas in Utah 2008

Just thought that I would share some of the photos I have from Christmas last year in Utah.