Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ellie is beautiful!

Wade, thanks for posting the beautiful pictures of Ellie, it is great to be able to see our new niece/cousin.
Jen, I think Wade is showing you up, it would be great to be able to see pictures of Brayden too. (hint, hint)

Enjoy your summer!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GOD's Celebration

We had been waiting for our lilly's to bloom the year which they did on the day Ellie was born. The kids knew it was God celebrating the birth of thier new sister.

Ellie pics with kids

Here are the proud sister and brothers. Ben's first reaction to his new baby sister was to give her a kiss as seen in his picture.

New Addition

Here are some pics of Eleanore Ann Hansen "Ellie"Born 6/18/11. She was 9.4 and 21 inches. We are happy to finally have her here and can't wait to bring her home.

meet "THE BEAST"

With the addition of family member number eight our 7 passanger van was busted at the seams. So we had to find something else. So take a look at our new vehicle. A 2010 12 passenger van nicknamed "The Beast". You know you are big when you are looking down at people driving full sized trucks. You also know you are big when you come out of a store and can scan the parking lot to find where you are parked and can find the van with no problems because there is nothing bigger than it in the parking lot. It is awesome. Now if I could only convince Carisa to allow me to lift it a foot, put big mudders on it, and a huge exhaust then we could call it the "ultimate beast!"