Sunday, August 22, 2010

A fabulous 4th

Thank you Eric and Jen for putting up with our family over the 4th, we had a awesome time, can't wait to inconvenience you again. Love ya!

Thanks Eric for taking the guys out, they had a great time, Bill can't wait to go again.

A well deserved girls day out, thanks to the dads.

Fiesta night at casa de la Halbert

I hope they don't turn out to be kissin' cousins. :)

Pickin berries at the blueberry farm

Shooot... look at dis picture of all dem hill billies we dun found, who newed there be so many.

Who says it has to be your birthday to celebrate it

Thanks Brody for the homemade purses, the girls love them!

A great ending to a perfect weekend, thank you again Jen and Eric